父亲节马上就要到了,Matthew West在6月10日通过所有数字流媒体平台上发布了感人的新单曲“Before You Ask Her 在你问她之前”。
这首动人的歌曲以甜美的旋律为背景,灵感来自 West 的两个女儿,由 West 与排行榜冠军作曲家 AJ Pruis 共同创作。
歌曲的音乐视频由肖恩·哈格威尔(Sean Hagwell)执导,视频中的父女关系动人心弦。
上周,韦斯特在 K-Love Fan Awards 上被评为年度男艺人。他还第七次担任该节目的联合主持人。
他目前的单曲“Me On Your Mind”正在迅速攀升至 Billboard Christian Airplay 排行榜(目前排名第 9),并且在所有数字流媒体平台上的流媒体播放量已超过 500 万。这首歌标志着韦斯特作为艺术家的第 24 首前 10 名歌曲。
被Billboard誉为“全能词曲作者”,他作为词曲作者获得了 11 次排名第一,作为艺术家获得了 12 首单曲排名第一,包括他最近的多周排名第一的歌曲“What If”。
Before You Ask Her | 在你问她之前
On a Friday night first date
It might be good for you and me to get a few things straight
And I hear that doorbell ring
Well, she ain’t gonna answer until you answer me
Will you hold the door, be polite
Pick up the tab and treat her right
Have her home by ten and not a minute after
Will you take it slow when it comes to love
Let a goodnight kiss be far enough
And treat her with respect ‘cause that’s what matters
Oh, I guess you got some things to ask yourself
Let me tell you ‘bout my girl
She’s a Fourth of July firework and she’ll light up your whole world
You need to know what her heart’s worth
And if she chooses you then that makes you the luckiest on earth
And never try to steal her crown
Believe in all the dreams she’s chasing after
Will you give her wings then let her fly
‘Cause if you do she’ll touch the sky
Will you always let her know that her voice matters
Oh, I guess you have some things to ask yourself
If you can walk her down the aisle
Yeah, I knew this day was coming
I’ve seen the way you make her smile
Before you get down on one knee
And make my girl a promise
Will you stay for better or for worse
Will you put her and Jesus first
And always be her happy ever after
Will you let that ring remind you
And even when the hard times find you
It’s the promises we keep that really matter
So, I guess you got some things to ask yourself
– End –